Geo Pet Relax CBD crude | Sceletium Ashwagandha

S •••••••• s South Africa, ZA
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Product Description
Assists with: Immune System, General health, Anxiety & Bone structure and excellent for travel anxiety. CBD is known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. It will also assist in the general overall health as it stimulates the body to heal itself. Sceletium has a calming and mood enhancing effect. It assists with anxiety due to pain and also has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Ashwagandha enhance cognitive function and mental stamina. It reduces irritability, anxiety, stress and helps to maintain attention. Recommended dosage: Take 3-5 drops twice a day. Can increase to 6-15 drops twice a day for bigger dogs. Do not exceed 10mg or 30 drops per day. Application: Use drops on a treat or similar product. Each bottle contains 300mg Cannabis full spectrum oil
Supporting Documents
Certificate Of Analysis
Product Insert