Geo Anxiety CBD crude | Sceletium Ashwagandha | Chamomile

S •••••••• s South Africa, ZA
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Product Description
Assists with: Anxiety, stress and a hectic lifestyle. CBD crude oil has no mind-altering effects. It is known to offer relaxation and improves sleep. Sceletium has been used for its calming and mood enhancing effect. It assists with anxiety and depression by activating the serotonin receptors in the brain. Ashwagandha enhance cognitive function and mental stamina. It reduces irritability, anxiety, stress and helps to maintain attention. Chamomile is used as a mild tranquilizer and reduces anxiety while it improves wellbeing without the side-effects of dependency. Recommended dosage: Take 5-10 drops twice a day. Can increase to 10-15 drops twice a day. Do not exceed 20mg or 30 drops per day. Application: Swirl in mouth until dissolved. Each bottle contains 600mg Cannabis full spectrum oil
Supporting Documents
Certificate Of Analysis
Product Insert